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Sensitive Infections

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  1. Ben-Shmuel, A., Glinert, I., Sittner, A., Bar-David, E., Schlomovitz, J., Brosh, T., Kobiler, D., Weiss, S., Levy, H., 2018. Treating Anthrax-Induced Meningitis in Rabbits. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 62, e00298-18.

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  9. Maiers, J.D., Mason, S.J., 1984. Lincomycin-associated enterocolitis in rabbits. J Am Vet Med Assoc 185, 670–671.

  10. Rehg, J.E., Pakes, S.P., 1982. Implication of Clostridium difficile and Clostridium perfringens iota toxins in experimental lincomycin-associated colitis of rabbits. Lab Anim Sci 32, 253–257.

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  12. Vancraeynest, D., Hermans, K., Martel, A., Vaneechoutte, M., Devriese, L.A., Haesebrouck, F., 2004. Antimicrobial resistance and resistance genes in Staphylococcus aureus strains from rabbits. Vet Microbiol 101, 245–251.

  13. Zhang, L., Wang, J., Feng, X., Cai, W., Yang, J., Zhang, N., 2014. Antibiotic penetration into rabbit nucleus pulposus with discitis. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol 24, 453–458.

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