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Diazepam | Benzodiazepine

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Dosing Recommendations

  • Administration: Injectable solutions are incompatible with most other medical liquids and should be administered without additional medicines (Korttila and Aromaa, 1980).

  • Formulations: Preservatives in injectable formulations that can result in hypotension and thrombophlebitis (Korttila and Aromaa, 1980). 

Last Update 1317822 | 230102


  1. Multimodal Use: -

  2. Adverse Effects Profile: -

  3. Reproductive Safety: -

  4. Treatment Goals: -

  5. Treatment Endpoints: -

  6. Efficacy Profile: -

  7. Alternative Products: -.

  8. Alternative Protocols: -

  9. Clinical Review:  No Delphi review has been performed. This is a pilot monograph.


Diazepam | Rabbit | Literature Review

  1. al-Hader, A., Hasan, M., Hasan, Z., 1992. The comparative effects of propofol, thiopental, and diazepam, administered intravenously, on pentylenetetrazol seizure threshold in the rabbit. Life Sci 51, 779–786.

  2. Bechgaard, E., Gizurarson, S., Hjortkjaer, R.K., 1997. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic response after intranasal administration of diazepam to rabbits. J Pharm Pharmacol 49, 747–750.

  3. Bergman, S.A., Wyn, R.L., Williams, G., 1988. Diazepam enhances fentanyl and diminishes meperidine antinociception. Anesth Prog 35, 190–194.

  4. Bradshaw, E.G., Biswas, T.K., Pleuvry, B.J., 1973. Some interactions between morphine and diazepam in the mouse and rabbit. Br J Anaesth 45, 1185–1190.

  5. Bradshaw, E.G., Pleuvry, B.J., 1971. Respiratory and hypnotic effects of nitrazepam, diazepam and pentobarbitone and their solvents in the rabbit and the mouse. Br J Anaesth 43, 637–643.

  6. Desmarchelier, M.R., 2021. Clinical Psychopharmacology for the Exotic Animal Practitioner. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, Behavior 24, 17–35.

  7. Flecknell, P.A., John, M., Mitchell, M., Shurey, C., Simpkin, S., 1983. Neuroleptanalgesia in the rabbit. Lab Anim 17, 104–109.

  8. Gardhouse, S., Sanchez, A., 2022. Rabbit Sedation and Anesthesia. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, Sedation and Anesthesia of Zoological Companion Animals 25, 181–210.

  9. Ghaffari, M.S., Moghaddassi, A.P., 2010. Effects of ketamine-diazepam and ketamine-acepromazine combinations on intraocular pressure in rabbits. Vet Anaesth Analg 37, 269–272.

  10. González Gil, A., Illera, J.C., Silván, G., Illera, M., 2001. Plasma glucocorticoid concentrations after fentanyl-droperidol, ketamine-xylazine and ketamine-diazepam anaesthesia in New Zealand white rabbits. Vet Rec 148, 784–786.

  11. Kaur, P., Kim, K., 2008. Pharmacokinetics and brain uptake of diazepam after intravenous and intranasal administration in rats and rabbits. Int J Pharm 364, 27–35.

  12. Klotz, U., Antonin, K.H., Bieck, P.R., 1976. Pharmacokinetics and plasma binding of diazepam in man, dog, rabbit, guinea pig and rat. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 199, 67–73.

  13. Korttila, K., Aromaa, U., 1980. Venous Complications After Intravenous Injection of Diazepam, Flunitrazepam, Thiopentone and Etomidate. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 24, 227–230.

  14. Lindhardt, K., Olafsson, D.R., Gizurarson, S., Bechgaard, E., 2002. Intranasal bioavailability of diazepam in sheep correlated to rabbit and man. Int J Pharm 231, 67–72.

  15. Mero, M., Vainionpää, S., Vasenius, J., Vihtonen, K., Rokkanen, P., 1989. Medetomidine--ketamine--diazepam anesthesia in the rabbit. Acta Vet Scand Suppl 85, 135–137.

  16. Müller, K., Mancinelli, E., 2022. Cardiology in Rabbits and Rodents–Common Cardiac Diseases, Therapeutic Options, and Limitations. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, Cardiology 25, 525–540.

  17. Peeters, M.E., Gil, D., Teske, E., Eyzenbach, V., vd Brom, W.E., Lumeij, J.T., de Vries, H.W., 1988. Four methods for general anaesthesia in the rabbit: a comparative study. Lab Anim 22, 355–360.

  18. Stebler, T., Guentert, T.W., 1991. Determination of diazepam and nordazepam in milk and plasma in the presence of oxazepam and temazepam. J Chromatogr 564, 330–337.

  19. Tsang, C.F., Wilkinson, G.R., 1982. Diazepam disposition in mature and aged rabbits and rats. Drug Metab Dispos 10, 413–416.

  20. Xu, Q., Zan, Y., Gao, C., 2012. [Preparation of diazepam transdermal gel and its bioavailability]. Zhejiang Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban 41, 441–444, 463.

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