
Medetomidine Reversal

Baumgartner, C., Bollerhey, M., Ebner, J., Schuster, T., Henke, J., Erhardt, W., 2010. Effects of medetomidine-midazolam-fentanyl IV bolus injections and its reversal by specific antagonists on cardiovascular function in rabbits. Can J Vet Res 74, 286–298.
Botman, J., Hontoir, F., Gustin, P., Cambier, C., Gabriel, F., Dugdale, A., Vandeweerd, J.-M., 2020. Postanaesthetic effects of ketamine-midazolam and ketamine-medetomidine on gastrointestinal transit time in rabbits anaesthetised with isoflurane. Vet Rec 186, 249.
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Grint, N.J., Murison, P.J., 2008. A comparison of ketamine-midazolam and ketamine-medetomidine combinations for induction of anaesthesia in rabbits. Vet Anaesth Analg 35, 113–121.
Hashemi, S.R., Vesal, N., 2023. Ketamine–propofol for total intravenous anaesthesia in rabbits: a comparison of premedication with acepromazine–medetomidine, acepromazine–midazolam or acepromazine–morphine. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 50, 263–272.
Hellebrekers, L.J., de Boer, E.J., van Zuylen, M.A., Vosmeer, H., 1997. A comparison between medetomidine-ketamine and medetomidine-propofol anaesthesia in rabbits. Lab Anim 31, 58–69.
Kim, M.S., Jeong, S.M., Park, J.H., Nam, T.C., Seo, K.M., 2004. Reversal of medetomidine-ketamine combination anesthesia in rabbits by atipamezole. Exp Anim 53, 423–428.
Kirihara, Y., Takechi, M., Kurosaki, K., Matsuo, H., Kajitani, N., Saito, Y., 2019. Effects of an anesthetic mixture of medetomidine, midazolam, and butorphanol and antagonism by atipamezole in rabbits. Exp Anim 68, 443–452.
Lee, L.Y., Lee, D., Ryu, H., Han, J.H., Ko, J., Tyler, J.W., 2019. Capnography-guided Endotracheal Intubation as an Alternative to Existing Intubation Methods in Rabbits. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 58, 240–245.
Orr, H.E., Roughan, J.V., Flecknell, P.A., 2005. Assessment of ketamine and medetomidine anaesthesia in the domestic rabbit. Vet Anaesth Analg 32, 271–279.
Williams, A.M., Wyatt, J.D., 2007. Comparison of subcutaneous and intramuscular ketamine-medetomidine with and without reversal by atipamezole in Dutch belted rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 46, 16–20.
Expert Opinion
221003 Extrapolation of pharmacological properties in man and veterinary species. Some material employed in collating the data displayed here was taken from veterinary product datasheets or extrapolated from pharmacology texts.