Pregnancy Termination
Early induction days 5 and 6
Mid-term induction days 15 and 16
Evidence Base
Rabbit Aglepristone Evidence Base
Özalp, G., Çalışkan, Ç., Seyrek-İntaş, K., Wehrend, A., 2008. Effects of the Progesterone Receptor Antagonist Aglepristone on Implantation Administered on Days 6 and 7 after Mating in Rabbits: Effects of the Progesterone Receptor Antagonist Aglepristone. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 45, 505–508.
Özalp, G.R., Seyrek-İntaş, K., Çalışkan, Ç., Wehrend, A., 2008. Mid-gestation pregnancy termination in rabbits by the progesterone antagonist aglepristone. Theriogenology 69, 1056–1060.
Özalp, G.R., Temizel, E.M., Özocak-Batmaz, E., 2013. Clinical, ultrasonography and haematology of aglepristone-induced mid-gestation pregnancy terminations in rabbits. J. S. Afr. Vet. Assoc. 84.
Parillo, F., Dall’Aglio, C., Brecchia, G., Maranesi, M., Polisca, A., Boiti, C., Zerani, M., 2013. Aglepristone (RU534) effects on luteal function of pseudopregnant rabbits: Steroid receptors, enzymatic activities, and hormone productions in corpus luteum and uterus. Animal Reproduction Science 138, 118–132.
Expert Opinion
1317822* | 221003 Extrapolation of pharmacological properties in man and veterinary species. Some material employed in collating the data displayed here was taken from veterinary product datasheets or extrapolated from pharmacology texts.
Last Updated by 1317822 | On 221104