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Ocular Herpesvirus Infection

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Evidence Base

  1. Collins, P., 1983. The spectrum of antiviral activities of acyclovir in vitro and in vivo. J Antimicrob Chemother 12 Suppl B, 19–27.

  2. Fardeau, C., Langlois, M., Mathys, B., Rafales, P., Nugier, F., Godard, V., Aymard, M., Denis, J., 1991. Emergence of cross-resistant herpes simplex virus following topical drug therapy in rabbit keratitis. Curr Eye Res 10 Suppl, 151–158.

  3. Fardeau, C., Langlois, M., Nugier, F., Asselot, C., Aymard, M., Denis, J., 1993. Cross-resistances to antiviral drugs of IUdR-resistant HSV1 in rabbit keratitis and in vitro. Cornea 12, 19–24.

  4. Kaufman, H.E., Centifanto-Fitzgerald, Y.M., Varnell, E.D., 1983. Herpes simplex keratitis. Ophthalmology 90, 700–706.

  5. Maudgal, P.C., Vrijghem, J.C., Molemans, M., Missotten, L., 1985. Effect of topical acyclovir therapy on experimental herpes simplex keratouveitis. Arch Ophthalmol 103, 1389–1392.

  6. Shiota, H., Naito, T., Mimura, Y., 1987. Anti-herpes simplex virus (HSV) effect of 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine (DHPG) in rabbit cornea. Curr Eye Res 6, 241–245.

  7. Trousdale, M.D., Dunkel, E.C., Nesburn, A.B., 1980. Effect of acyclovir on acute and latent herpes simplex virus infections in the rabbit. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 19, 1336–1341.

  8. Trousdale, M.D., Nesburn, A.B., 1982. Evaluation of the antiherpetic activity of acyclovir in rabbits. Am J Med 73, 155–160.

Expert Opinion

  1. 1317822* |  220719 Extrapolation of pharmacological properties in man and veterinary species. Some material employed in collating the data displayed here was taken from veterinary product datasheets or extrapolated from pharmacology texts.

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