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Hypomotility Disorders



Cisapride | Rabbit | Literature Review

  1. Ager RVN, L., 2017. Ileus in rabbits – current thinking in treatment, nursing and prevention. Veterinary Nursing Journal 32, 201–205.

  2. DeCubellis, J., 2016. Common Emergencies in Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, and Chinchillas. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice 19, 411–429.

  3. DeCubellis, J., Graham, J., 2013. Gastrointestinal Disease in Guinea Pigs and Rabbits. Vet Clin North Am Exot Anim Pract 16, 421–435.

  4. Dumotier, B.M., Bastide, M., Adamantidis, M.M., 2001. “Use-dependent” effects of cisapride on postrest action potentials in rabbit ventricular myocardium. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 422, 137–148.

  5. Feldman, E.R., Singh, B., Mishkin, N.G., Lachenauer, E.R., Martin-Flores, M., Daugherity, E.K., 2021. Effects of Cisapride, Buprenorphine, and Their Combination on Gastrointestinal Transit in New Zealand White Rabbits. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 60, 221–228.

  6. Gibson, D., 1999. A review of the adverse effects of Cisapride. J Ark Med Soc 95, 384–386.

  7. Harcourt-Brown, T.R., 2007. Management of Acute Gastric Dilation in Rabbits. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 16, 168–174.

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  36. Wangen, K., 2013. Therapeutic Review: Cisapride. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, Advanced Clinical Techniques 22, 301–304.

  37. Washabau, R.J., 2003. Gastrointestinal motility disorders and gastrointestinal prokinetic therapy. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, Gastroenterology 33, 1007–1028.

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Cisapride | Rabbit | Expert Opinion

  1. 1317822* |  220805 Extrapolation of pharmacological properties in man and veterinary species. Some  material employed in collating the data displayed here was taken from  veterinary product datasheets or extrapolated from pharmacology texts.

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